Mohamed Abdelkarim (Mo)

University of California, Berkeley – U.S.A
Master of Landscape Architecture
Politecnico di Milano, Milan – Italy
Master of Science in Architecture
Misr International University, Cairo – Egypt
Bachelor of Science in Architectural Engineering
Curriculum Vitae
Mohamed Abdelkarim, referred to as ‘Mo’ by his students and colleagues, is an Architect, Landscape Designer, and Lecturer at the Christopher C. Gibbs College of Architecture, University of Oklahoma.
In his academic role, he instructs design studios focusing on site design and urban farming within the architecture division, while also teaching introductory courses for the landscape architecture division.
Since 2009, he has been involved in a diverse array of architectural and landscape projects across North Africa, the Middle East, Europe, and more recently, the United States.
Mo’s research delves into the complex dynamics between urban development and landscape evolution, themes he extensively pursued during his studies in Milan and Berkeley. At the heart of his scholarly inquiry is the impact of urban-scale interventions on climate change, underscoring their significant consequences for urban living and environmental health. His work brings critical insights into the interplay of urbanization and environmental sustainability.
He has significantly contributed to socially critical design projects, including the ‘Black Tower/Black Power’ low-income housing exhibit at MoMA (2021) and the ‘Cloudland Pavilion’ at La Triennale di Milano (2019), which showcased cost-effective architecture using recycled materials.
Throughout his educational journey, Mo had the privilege of being taught and influenced by award-winning designers, including Pritzker Prize winner Kazuyo Sejima of SANAA, renowned Landscape Architect Walter Hood of Hood Design Studio, and Mario Schjetnan of Grupo de Diseño Urbano.
Selected Publications
Cianfarani, F., Abdelkarim, M., & Ghosh, P. (Forthcoming). Land use and energy demand of lowrise residential neighborhoods in Oklahoma City, USA. SEB 2023. International Conference on Sustainability in Energy and Buildings, Springer.
Cianfarani, F., Abdelkarim, M., Richards, D., & Kedarisetty, R. (2023). Assessing the Urban Vacant Land Potential for Infill Housing: A Case Study in Oklahoma City, USA. Urban Science, 7(4), 101. ISSN 2413-8851.
Selected Presentations in Town Halls, Symposia and Conferences
Cianfarani F., Abdelkarim M., Ghosh P., International Conference on Sustainability in Energy and Buildings, “Land use and energy demand of low-rise residential neighborhoods in Oklahoma City, USA”, IS10: Climate-resilient neighborhoods: analysis and design, SEB 2023, Bari, Italy, 18- 20 September 2023. (September 18, 2023). Paper presentation.
Cianfarani F., Abdelkarim M., International EWRI Low Impact Development Conference, “Low impact infill for Oklahoma City: an incremental approach for integrating stormwater management to low-rise housing solutions,” EWRI, Oklahoma City, 6-9 August 2023. (August 9, 2023). Presentation.