Dr. Shakil Ahmad Shimul

Texas Tech University
PhD in Land-Use Planning Management and Design
Topic: Kinetic and Responsive Architecture. Research focus: Transformative Surface System with Electro Responsive Polymer for Kinetic and Environment Responsive Design.
Texas Tech University
Master of Science in Architecture
Specialization in Digital Design and Fabrication (Post Professional)
BRAC University, Bangladesh
Bachelor of Architecture (Professional)
Curriculum Vitae
Shakil Ahmad Shimul is an Assistant Professor of Architecture at the Christopher C. Gibbs College of Architecture at the University of Oklahoma. Shakil holds a Bachelor of Architecture from BRAC University, Bangladesh, Master of Science in Architecture- specializing in Digital Design and Fabrication- from Texas Tech University. His PhD research is focused on Kinetic and Responsive Architecture where he investigates transformative Surface System with Electro Responsive Polymer for Kinetic and Environment Responsive Design.
Shakil is passionate about designing the future. With the intend of exploring more adaptive, responsive, sustainable, and resilient architecture, he took the route of researching smart materials and cutting-edge digital technologies. He strongly believes that materials and technologies are the two major parameters that define the boundaries and show the opportunities of design and build. Already as a practical outcome of this research, he has designed a ‘Responsive Building envelop/Smart Breathing Window’ to enhance the Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) and to reduce HVAC load using outdoor fresh and comfortable air conditions. This technology has received published patent, license validation and several awards including NSF I-Corps, GLEAMM Spark Fund, TTU Precedential Award, etc. His research has not only suggested a new commercial opportunity of environment responsive kinetic design but also a novel method of creating non-planer transformative structure system for different engineering applications too.
Since 2008, he has been involved in professional practice of architecture. He has worked with Pritzker winner architect, B.V. Doshi as an architectural intern. As an Associate Architect, He has practiced in ‘Volume Zero Ltd’, an architectural consulting firm in Bangladesh.
Since 2010, besides teaching and research, he was involved in designing single and multistoried residential buildings and retail interiors, solely and collaboratively in Bangladesh, USA, Spain, and Nigeria. In his professional practice he actively incorporates his research findings, sustainable and energy efficiency, and adaptive and environmental responsive design solutions. For example, in one of his most recent multistoried apartment designs, he has applied principles of fluid dynamic to generate building geometry, surface profile and surface texture to guide the natural air into indoor spaces to ensure natural ventilation.
Research Interest
Digital design and fabrication, kinetic and responsive architecture, parametric design, robotics in architecture, smart materials, artificial intelligence, biophilic design, energy and sustainability, passive and active ventilation, high performance building envelope, climate change & resilient architecture.
Professional Affiliations
The American Institute of Architects (AIA)
AIA Texas Society of Architects
AIA Lubbock
Institute of Architects Bangladesh (IAB)
Association of Bangladeshi Students and Scholars, Texas Tech University (ABSS)
BRAC University Alumni Association
Texas Tech Alumni Association
‘Electroactive polymer valve: Smart Breathing Window’. World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), International Bureau (2019-115). International Publication Number-WO2021173589A3. (2021) Google Patent
Selected Publications
J. Rada, H. Hu, L. Zhou, J. Zeng, H. Song, X. Zeng, S. Shimul, W. Fan, Q. Zhan, W. Li, L. Wu, Q. Gan, Multiple concentric rainbows induced by microscale concave interfaces for reflective displays, Applied Materials Today, Volume 24,2021, 101146, ISSN 2352-9407.
Global Warming Sea Level Rise and Future City of Bangladesh 2100+ published in Archi Prix International MIT Cambridge USA 2011: World’s best Graduation projects: Architecture + urban design + landscape architecture. 010 Publishers. ISBN 978 90 6450 754 0 (2011).
‘Metamorphosis Award’ – National Science Foundation I-Corp, National Program, Sparing Cohort#4, 2022, New England, Boston (June 2022)
TTU NSF I-Corps Site award – Type I – Texas Tech University I-Corps Site for Innovation and Entrepreneurship
President’s Excellence in Engaged Scholarship Award, Texas Liberator Project (2020)
Texas Tech Growth Enhancement Scholarship (2019-2021)
TTU Moffitt Grad ARCH Scholarship (2018-19)
TTU Architecture Designated Scholarship (2016-17)
JT and Margaret Talkington Graduate Fellowship, Texas Tech University (2015-17)
TTU ATT Chancellor Fellowship (Graduate Student Research Support)
Featured Grants and Sponsored Research
NSF National I-Corps Program Award (for Smart Breathing Window), in Collaboration with Dr. Li Wei. Award – $50,000. (2022)
National Science Foundation Regional I-Corps Minimum Viable Product Development (MVP) Award, in Collaboration with Dr. Li Wei. Award – $5,000. (2022)
Presidents’ Innovative Startup Award, in Collaboration with Dr. Li Wei. Award – $5,000. (January 2022)
Prototype Fund 2021, sponsored by Lubbock Economic Development Alliance, in Collaboration with Dr. Li Wei. Award – $10,000. (September 2021)
TTU NSF I-Corps Site award – Type I – Texas Tech University I-Corps Site for Innovation and Entrepreneurship. (Portable automatic window designed with responsive material to improve indoor air quality), in Collaboration with Dr. Li Wei. Award – $3,000. (2020)
GLEAMM Spark Fund Research Grant 2018, Energy Harvesting with Electroactive Polymer, in Collaboration with Dr. Li Wei. Award – $50,000. (2018)