Vanessa Morrison
University of Oklahoma
MS, Regional and City Planning & Community and Economic Development
University of Oklahoma
BS, Human Relations & Women and Gender Studies
Vanessa is a planner and community development professional who is dedicated to empowering and supporting communities. After receiving her master’s degree in Regional City Planning from the University of Oklahoma’s Gibbs College of Architecture, Vanessa’s professional and academic opportunities have allowed her to design and lead approaches to address equity challenges, coordinate community engagement opportunities for marginalized groups, domestically and internationally consult urban planning related projects, collaborate on planning initiatives, and activate both spatial and social environments. She is also experienced in developing and implementing engagement strategies that reach into multi-faceted communities, including: African American communities, trauma exposed adults and families, business spaces, advocacy groups, state and local governments, and religious communities. Her robust education and experience in community engagement, planning, and crisis management give her unique and valuable insight to initiate and sustain change.