Dr. Bryce C. Lowery

University of Southern California
PhD, Urban Planning
California State Polytechnic University
Master of Landscape Architecture
University of Michigan
MS, Environmental Policy and Behavior
University of Southern California
BA, Economics/Environmental Studies
I teach courses in geographic information systems, food systems, neighborhood planning, and urban design.
I research environmental and socioeconomic influences of neighborhood well-being as well as land use policies that aim to improve community health. I am particularly interested in two areas of inquiry: understanding how availability and access to sources of health and unhealthy food contribute to diet related disease and exploring how the spatial arrangement of outdoor advertising influences health related behaviors. My research focuses on spatial injustices experienced by rural and low-income neighborhoods as well as Asian, American Indian, Alaskan Native, Black, and Latine communities.
I am a first-generation college graduate and gay man who was raised in a small rural community before moving to one of the largest cities in the United States. I currently live in Norman, a college town, with my spouse, my dog, and two cats.
I received my Ph.D. in Spatial Planning from the University of Southern California, a master’s degree in Landscape Architecture from California State Polytechnic University, a master’s degree in Environmental Policy and Behavior from the University of Michigan and bachelors’ degrees in Economics and Environmental Studies from the University of Southern California.
I maintain an additional website where you can learn more.
Professional Credentials
Member American Planning Association
Member American Public Health Association
Member American Society of Landscape Architects
Member of Inclusion: Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning LGBTQIA Interest Group
Featured Contracts, Grants, and Sponsored Research
Jourdan, D. E. (Principal Investigator), Graham, C. (Co-Principal Investigator), Lowery, B. C. (Co-Principal Investigator), Wieters, K. M. (Co-Principal Investigator), “Statewide Housing Needs Assessment,” Sponsored by Integra Realty Resources, Industry. (January 1, 2015-December 31, 2015).
University of Oklahoma Award for Excellence in Transdisciplinary, Convergent Research with Jason Vogel and Keith Strevett with the School of Civil Engineering & Environmental Science; Kara Bowen De León, Bradley Stevenson, and Ralph Tanner with the Department of Microbiology & Plant Biology; and Katrin Kuhn and Halley Reeves with the Hudson College of Public Health (May 2022).
Michael Breheny Prize for Best Paper, Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design. (December 2015).
Jack Dyckman Award for Best Dissertation in Planning & Development, Sol Price School of Public Policy University of Southern California. (May 2014).
Selected Publications
Williams, B.D., Sisson, S., Lowery, B., Dev, D., Horm, D., Campbell, J., Finneran, D., & Graef-Downard, J. (2022). Relationships between Proximity to Grocery Stores and Oklahoma Early Care and Education Classroom Nutrition Practices. Preventive Medicine Reports 29: 101917. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pmedr.2022.101917
L. Jervis, L. Bray, D. Cox, G. Tallbull, B. Lowery, & P. Spicer. (2022). Food environments and gut microbiome health: availability of healthy foods, alcohol, and tobacco in a rural Oklahoma tribal community. Discover Food 2: 20. https://doi.org/10.1007/s44187-022-00020-w
B. Lowery, M.R.E. Swayne, I.A. Castro, & J. Embury. (2022). Mapping EBT Store Closures through the COVID-19 Pandemic in a Low-income, Food-insecure Community in San Diego. Preventing Chronic Disease 19: 210410. http://dx.doi.org/10.5888/pcd19.210410
Patel, D., Butzer, D., Williams, B.D., Dev, D.A., Horm, D., Finneran, D., Lowery, B., Campbell, J.E., and Sisson, S.B. 2022. “Food Waste, Preference, and Cost: Perceived Barriers and Self-Reported Food Service Best Practices in Family Child Care Homes.” Childhood Obesity.
Williams B.D., Sisson S.B., Dev D.A., Lowery B., Horm D., Campbell J., Finneran D., Graef-Downard J., Whaley L. (2021). “Associations between Community Built Environments with Early Care and Education Classroom Physical Activity Practices and Barriers.” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(12), 6524.
Williams B., Sisson S., Lowery B., Dev D., Horm D., Campbell J., Finneran D., Graef-Downard J. (2021). “Associations Between Community Nutrition Environments and Early Care and Education Classroom Nutrition Practices.” Current Developments in Nutrition, 5(2), 994.
Swayne, M. R., & Lowery, B. C. (2021). “Integrating transit data and travel time into food security analysis: A case study of San Diego, California”. Applied Geography, 131, 102461.
Lowery, B.C., Schweitzer, L.A. (2019). “Justice and Urban Design,” in The New Companion to Urban Design. Edited by Tridib Banerjee and Anastasia Loukaitou-Sideris. Routledge.
Lowery, B. C. (2016). “Planning for Private Consumption and Collective Beauty: Regulating outdoor advertising in Los Angeles, 1881-2014.” Journal of Planning History, Vol. 15, No. 3, 191-209.
Lowery, B. C., Sloane, D. C., Payan, D., Illum, J., Lewis, L. B. (2016). “Do Farmers’ Markets Increase Access to Healthy Foods? Assessing the nutritional environment at 24 markets in Los Angeles.” Journal of the American Planning Association, Vol. 82, No. 3, 252-266.
Lowery, B. C., Sloane, D. C. (2014). “The Prevalence of Harmful Content on Outdoor Advertising in Los Angeles: Land Use, Community Characteristics, and the Spatial Inequality of a Public Health Nuisance.” American Journal of Public Health, Vol. 104, No. 4, 658–664.
Curtis, J. W., Shiau, E., Lowery, B. C., Sloane, D., Hennigan, K., Curtis, A. (2014). “The Prospects and Problems of Integrating Sketch Maps with Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to Understand Environmental Perception: A case study of mapping youth fear in Los Angeles gang neighborhoods.” Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, Vol. 41, No. 2, 251-271.